
Pilates Classes for Adults in Kraków

Experience a holistic approach to fitness with our Pilates classes. Improve your flexibility, strengthen your core, glutes, and back, and enhance your overall body tone.

Pilates is especially beneficial for those suffering from back pain caused by a sedentary lifestyle. Reduce stress, tension, and find harmony within your body.

Instructor: Martyna Chromik – certified PILATES instructor, specializing in back health classes, and mindfulness and creative movement coach for children.

Pilates Classes for Adults in Kraków

Where: Galicyjska 1, Kraków
When: Tuesdays, 7:45 PM
Duration: 55 minutes
Price: 40 PLN
To sign up: bawialnia@hejzabawa.pl

Bank transfer confirms your participation.

A group of people doing Pilates exercises in a bright and airy studio

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